Pagina 7

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1.gif (22389 byte) The photographer and a friend, standing in the back yard of a country home in Ontario Province, saw what they at first thought was an airplane approaching. Its silence and the very low level of the object caused one man to run for a camera. He snapped seven good color pictures of the object before it flew away. It was seen to disappear in the haze in the distance. The amount of haze in the photos increases in the last pictures as it moves away
2.gif (39663 byte) On their family farm, several witnesses sighted this strange object as it floated in the sky towards them. As it got closer, the craft emitted a high- pitched whine before disappearing into the clear blue sky
3.gif (72546 byte) Members of a hunting party spotted this craft hovering low near the ground. It moved almost silently through the surrounding trees. Fortunately, one member was able to snap this photograph of the object
4.gif (26344 byte) At 3:00am on March 25, 1950, news cameraman Enrique Hausmann Muller observed and photographed a huge, rotating greenish-orange globe in the night sky. It had a fiery Saturn-like ringof vapor or mist surrounding its middle, and had great shooting tongues of flame jetting from the edges of the ring, exactly like a huge 4th of July Catherine's Wheel. It emitted a loud drone as it passed at low level over the island of Majorca. Its speed was estimated at up to 400mph , but Muller had time to raise his camera and get it squarely in the view finder for one picture. It was so big and so close that it almost filled the entire field of view
5.gif (77928 byte) An anonymous witness photographed this UFOwhich resembles the shape of the craft observed by the Brazilian Naval Vessel in 1958. In fact, this type of craft is observed mainly in the southern portion of the globe
6.gif (54663 byte) An anonymous witness photographed this UFOwhich resembles the shape of the craft observed by the Brazilian Naval Vessel in 1958. In fact, this type of craft is observed mainly in the southern portion of the globe