Pagina 2

zzz15.gif (15368 byte) Again,very little is known about this clip or the cameraman.The video itself is excellent footage and clearly shows an unidentified craft crossing the daytime sky.The UFO footage is believed to have been shot from a high mountain somewhere in Japan
zzz16.gif (20058 byte) This amazing video footage is alleged to have been leaked from the Area 51 secret military base in Nevada,by a high ranking Military source who worked within the complex.The UFO was allegedly captured on Military cameras and shows the mysterious object to change shape and move around erratically.At one point,the object is seen to cover 13 miles in just 6 seconds,making extensive changes in velocity and performing manoeuvres that no aircraft, that we know of on this planet,are capable of doing even with today's technology
zzz17.gif (19948 byte) UFO daylight video from Roger Beard
filmed in Henderson Nevada, USA in 1991. Roger
tapes a dull silver oil drum type UFO hovering over
the city. It came back the next day and he continued
to tape it again.This is extremely rare footage of this
type of object. One of the best videos around and still remains unexplained.
zzz18.gif (16797 byte) UFO video recorded by Mike Hawkins at Redfish Florida.This video shows a very interesting drone type object silently hovering over the Florida water. The tape says there was over 1 hour of footage of this thing.This particular clip is 25 seconds long, 2.4 MEG .This clip has also featured on the Fox video "UFO'S Best Evidence captured on tape" which has already been shown around the world.
zzz30.jpg (8148 byte) October 10th 1998, in Cleveland USA . Local residents were said to have been startled by seeing three bright orange fireballs moving slowly through the blue sky over Lake Erie. A WJBK-TV in Cleveland, Channel 2 Fox News cameraman managed to capture these strange anomalies on film, as they slowly travelled across the daytime sky in full view. The video depicts two orange fireballs traversing across the sky at a slow pace, above telephone poles and treetops, with a third illumination or UFO in the lower right-hand corner, barely visible coming from behind the trees.
zzz31.jpg (2388 byte)  


zzz31.jpg (2388 byte) 02spaceshuttleSTS-48aCloseup1.mpeg
zzz32.jpg (3685 byte) 03UFOFilmedDuringApollo12Mission.mpeg